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Get ready to INNOVATE with Science Rendezvous, returning May 11th, 2024. Explore fun activities at Canada’s largest science festival: learn about animals, chemicals, DNA, space, robots, and so much more. Free interactive and hands-on STEAM fun for all.
Get your hands on Science, May 11th!

Welcome to Forth Smith, Northwest Territories!
The Chipewyan name for the region is Thebacha, which means beside the rapids.
Located right by the Slave River, Thebacha is abundant with plants essential to human survival on the land.
Click each video to learn about these important plants in the NWT. Traditional Knowledge has much to teach us about the botany of the land.
This Site's Science Chase Resources:
The Cranberry in the Northwest Territories

Watch this video to learn about the importance of the delicious cranberry in the Northwest Territories!
Practice Question #1:
What is another name given to the cranberry of the Northwest Territories?
Black Spruce in the Northwest Territories

Watch this video to learn about the importance of the versatile Black Spruce in the Northwest Territories!
Practice Question #2:
Which spruce is taller? White Spruce, or Black Spruce?
Willow in the Northwest Territories

Watch this video to learn about the importance of the many Willows in the Northwest Territories!
Practice Question #3:
How many species of willow can be found in the Northwest Territories?
Labrador Tea in the Northwest Territories

Watch this video to learn about the importance of Labrador Tea in the Northwest Territories!
Practice Question #4:
Why are the undersides of Labrador Tea leaves wooly?
Paper Birch in the Northwest Territories

Watch this video to learn about the importance of the Paper Birch in the Northwest Territories!
Practice Question #5:
What important musical instrument is made with paper birch?