2022 STEAM Green Award
The STEAM Green Award recognizes individuals and groups who make up the coordinating team responsible for creating outstanding Million Tree Project activities and events as part of this 10-year Canada-wide experiment. The coordinating team’s vision and leadership were essential for developing a Science Rendezvous event for the Million Tree Project that went above and beyond, creating a truly exceptional experience for participants and volunteers.
Coordinating teams were tasked with sparking an interest in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) through participation in a national project with the ultimate goal of starting one million conversations about tree, environment and climate sciences as well as providing opportunities to take creative and local action. Science Rendezvous is honoured to have such dedicated individuals and groups share our vision and mission.
2022 STEAM Green Award Winner Future Energy Systems
The University of Alberta’s Future Energy Systems’ (FES) team embraced the challenge to STEAM Green in 2022! FES hosted over 200 outreach experiences last year, with events aiming to connect to a wide audience – mixing in-person and online programming, focusing on various age groups, working with many partners, and covering topics including the environment, energy and energy transition.
Some notable programming included the Become An Earth Doctor game, which teaches kids about land reclamation, preparing them to act as the experts. This program was offered 30 times in 2022, in partnership with schools and community groups. FES also hosted special in-person and online events and programming to celebrate Earth Day, Science Odyssey Week and Science Literacy Week.
The key inspiration for FES programming this year was their new children’s book series, The Energy Adventures of Tommy and Remi, which explores energy, climate change, and the environment. The series provided the backdrop for the children’s program at the City of Edmonton EV Expo, various school and library visits, and their first in person Science Rendezvous, Energy Adventure, where over 60 volunteers engaged with 1000+ people at Telus World of Science!
2022 also saw the launch of Energy Explorers, FES’ new science communications training program, which will prepare graduate students to interact with public audiences, particularly families with young kids. The first six Explorers graduated in November, with a kid-friendly research showcase following at Telus World of Science.
Thank you for being true leaders and a part of the Science Rendezvous community. We are looking forward to seeing what you will come up with in 2023!
Administrative Support Team
- Dr. Valerie Miller
- Dr. Catherine Tays
- Kenneth Tam
- Kaitlin Pylypa
- Sam Ferraz
- Dr. M Anne Naeth
Sponsors & Partners
- Marie McConnell
Telus World of Science - Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology (WISEST)
- UAlberta EcoCar
- G2V Optics
- Youth Science Innovate Program - TeamUp Science
- Professor Sherilee Harper’s Research Group
- 2 Martian Teachers
- Land Reclamation International Graduate School (LRIGS)
Science Rendezvous on Instagram
Current Event Sites
- 24 Heures de Science
- Aurora Research Institute – Fort Smith, NWT
- Aurora Research Institute – Inuvik, NWT
- College of the North Atlantic, Labrador West Campus
- Future Energy Systems at TELUS World of Science – Edmonton
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Let’s Talk Science at the University of Saskatchewan
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Queen’s University
- Science Rendezvous @ Sinai Health – Hosted by LTRI
- Science Rendezvous @ University Health Network
- Science Rendezvous Durham
- Science Rendezvous University of Guelph-Humber
- Science Rendezvous Victoria
- Science Rendezvous, brought to you by Let’s Talk Science at the University of Toronto Mississauga
- Simon Fraser University
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- University of British Columbia
- University of Manitoba
- University of Toronto – St. George Campus
- University of Toronto Scarborough and Let’s Talk Science with the Toronto Zoo
- Western University