This International Women’s Day, we want to spotlight some inspiring women in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) making a difference at the Science Rendezvous partner, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT-ARIS). Since 2018, SAIT-ARIS has hosted Science Rendezvous in Calgary and showcased amazing innovation and green technologies. You would spot wastewater-treating robots, a concrete toboggan and a bike-powered water filter, just to name a few! We are proud to have SAIT-ARIS as a partner and honoured to highlight just a few of the individuals who help make Canada’s future brighter.
Aprami Jaggi, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
“For as long as I can remember, I have been asking questions such as how do airplanes fly, why do some things float and others sink. Working in STEAM has allowed to continue this pursuit of asking questions and trying to get closer to the answers themselves,” says Dr. Aprami Jaggi, PhD. According to Seneca’s philosophy, “If you don’t know, ask. You will be a fool for the moment, but a wise man for the rest of your life. As a part of the scientific community, I get to ask and discover new things every day!”
This is what a STEAM proponent and Research Scientist at SAIT’s, Steam Generation Research Laboratory looks like. Aprami Jaggi investigates steam boilers called Once Through Steam Generators or OTSG to produce high steam quality and overcome fouling effectively and demonstrate energy and water recycle efficiency.
Nelia Julca, BSc., Obstetrics, and Chemical Laboratory Technology (CLT)
“I feel that we are contributing not just to industry, but to the environment and the people. The research our team engages in is forging a path towards a better future grounded in scientific evidence. I feel inspired by every aspect of my work, knowing that my contributions are making a positive impact towards reaching environmental sustainability in our energy industry in Alberta.”
This is what a STEAM proponent, Medical Doctor, and Chemical Laboratory Technology Researcher at the SAIT Water Research and Innovation Lab looks like.
Nelia Julca holds a medical degree in Obstetrics and is a graduate of SAIT’s Chemical Laboratory Technology program. She brings with her a passion for research and education, having previously provided healthcare, research and education services to underprivileged women. Julca is also part of SAIT’s community science outreach projects and student-lead experiential learning activities on campus. She aims to understand student’s primary motivation for learning, their concerns about the future, and ideas on water conservation.
Sarah Tripp, BSc., and Chemical Laboratory Technology (CLT)
“The importance of improving Once Through Steam Generators is paramount. By increasing the efficiency of these systems, we reduce associated costs while simultaneously improving environmental outcomes with sound scientific evidence. The piloting of the Once Through Steam Generators spurs groundbreaking research and in part helps to secure the future environmental sustainability of Alberta’s energy sector.“
This is what a STEAM proponent, Chemical Laboratory Technology Researcher at the SAIT Water Research and Innovation Lab looks like.
Sarah Tripp applies her technical training expertise in the analytical laboratory conducting advanced analytical analysis of samples, using both manual skills and analytical instrumentation. She helps researchers investigate the efficiency and deterioration of Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG). By providing analyses for scale causation in steam boilers, and is able to provide specific solutions. By using analytical instruments in the Water Research and Innovations Laboratory such as, High Pressure Ion Chromatography (HPIC), Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) and Total Inorganic Carbon-Total Organic Carbon (TIC-TOC) analyzer, Tripp and her laboratory team are able to provide detailed analyses of complex liquid and solid samples. This includes what the contents of the samples are, as well as how much of each factor of interest is present in the samples.
Trina Angel, BA (Psychology), CBA, APMC
“Working in a post-secondary institution allows me the opportunity to continually learn and grow professionally and personally. I am proud to support a division at SAIT that includes Applied Research and Innovation Solutions (ARIS). In my role, I observe daily all of the unique opportunities our researchers are involved with and witness where their work has a direct impact on the future of our world – specifically the environment, which is one of my personal interests. It is exciting to see how much growth there has been with female participation in STEAM professions in my lifetime, and the prospects my own daughter is exploring for her future career goals as a high school student.”
This is what a STEAM proponent, Executive Assistant to the Vice President, Corporate Development, Applied Research and International looks like.
Don’t miss out on their event site during this year’s virtual Science Rendezvous on May 8th, 2021!